Prof. Nick Rawlinson
University of Cambridge
Nick Rawlinson has been BP Foundation McKenzie Professor of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge since 2017. His research spans several sub-disciplines of the Earth Sciences, including observational seismology, geophysical inverse theory and plate tectonics.
Dr. Tim Greenfield
University of Cambridge
Tim Greenfield is a Leverhulme Early Career Research fellow at the University of Cambridge. He uses passive seismology techniques to study magma dynamics beneath volcanoes, regional-to-continental scale structure and everything in between.
Dr. Alex Brisbourne
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge
Alex Brisbourne is a Glacier Geophysicist with the British Antarctic Survey. He uses seismic, radar and GPS techniques to investigate the ice sheets in order to improve projections of how they will evolve and contribute to sea level rise in the future.
Debby Wehner
University of Cambridge
Debby is a PhD student in Nick’s working group since 2018. Her research focuses on full-waveform inversion beneath Southeast Asia.
Esme Glastonbury-Southern
University of Cambridge
Esme is a first year PhD student working in Nick’s research group. She uses microearthquakes to track melt movement throughout the Icelandic crust.